Sunday, January 6, 2008

Obama wins Iowa!

Walking along the Paseo de Prado, I thought of the nuances of Spanish culture, and how the discovery of America sparked a golden age but later hobbled Spain with crippling inflation. Christopher Col --
Just kidding. I´m way too obsessed with what´s going on back home to be thinking about anything else.
Obama won Iowa! This is huge!
Okay, it´s a win in a tiny state. With a victory based on a voting system in which two pillars of democracy, the secret ballot and one person one vote, are missing.
But even non-Obama supporters have to get excited about a half-black candidate´s ability to win a state that is 90% white. And for Obama supporters, winning the first contest takes some of the bite out of Hillary´s asburd claim that she´s more electable. And then there´s the strange but reliable tendency for voters in other states to imitate Iowa (Obama is suddenly up in NH by 12 points).
I´ve been a hesitant Obama supporter ever since I faced the music and admitted Bill Richardson wasn´t going anywhere.
For me, this election comes down to climate change. It is the single biggest threat to our national welfare, with the single greatest ability to lower the living standard of every American (and human being).
Across the board, the Democrats take climate change more seriously than the Republicans (for a good comparison of the candidates, click here). Combined with the Democrats´ big advantage on proposals for universal health care, I´m pretty partisan this election cycle: I want a Democrat in the White House in 2008.
And Barrack Obama, with his ability to cross party lines to pick up votes, with his ability to attract independents, with his impressive oratory skills, and with his early opposition to the Iraq war, is the most electable Democrat. (Early opposition to the war doesn´t help solve the mess, but this war is hugely unpopular, and I´m looking for a winning Democrat, and those against the war from the start have the best chance at winning.)
New Hampshire should be interesting. I predict and hope Obama keeps rolling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Schein! It's Zack Goldman...that's right, keeping track of your every blogging move.

We have much to talk about re: politics and I'll call you soon.

Ever since the 2004 DNC I've been an Obama guy, albeit cautiously, and have always been impressed with the many facets of his character that are so appealing to voters of every variety -- something that allows him to cross party lines in a way that no candidate really can. I would be more than fine with an Obama/Edwards ticket, but I...

get ready for this...

have come to terms with the fact that I really am a Hillary guy. I really have been since the first YouTube debate, but I suppose that's a product of me being a huge Bill fan in part...and that's just what got me started.

The NH debates were VERY intriguing, though, and it found me really hesitant about a lot of Obama's stances, especially about foreign policy (and namely regarding Pakistan's current leadership quandary).


I love you and want to discuss with you...even if you don't like my favorite female Clinton. Yes, better than Chelsea.