Monday, October 29, 2007

In honor of the greatest baseball team of this millenium

I know I said no more posts, but the Sox won the Series. C´mon!
I actually got to see Game 3. As far as I know, I was at one of two bars in all of Madrid showing the game. It started at 2:30 AM, and I went to bed as my family was waking up. But nice game. Dice-K (Japanese import, starting pitcher) had two RBIs, which is one more than either ARod or Derek Jeter can boast.
But enough gloating.
Hector and Dario had me guilt-tripping all over myself tonight. "Quiero que no te vayas." "Por favor, quedate aquí." Hector drew me a picture, and Dario came into my room as I was packing to distract me with his airplanes.
Both had their own ways of saying goodbye. Hector played the "No I love you more" game, showing off his knowledge of outer space with, "Well, I love you from here to the galaxy!" Dario, on the other hand, tried to play with my heart. "No te quiero," he said. (I don´t love you.) "Pues, sí yo te quiero," he said, trying to get a rise out of me. (Well, I actually do love you.) He switched it back and forth a few more times. I assured them I´d only be gone two weeks.

1 comment:

edd150n said...

kid, you would have loved to be with me on sunday night. i rioted. got escorted by the cops. and belted out sweet caroline outside an empty but filled with life fenway park with thousands of other fans who either just jumped on the bandwagon or were driving it with me.

miss you.