The waitress asked what we wanted to drink.
"Agua," I said, and two of the girls followed suit. The third girl wanted a Thai cocktail.
"Might as well go big if you´re gonna pay for water anyway," she explained.
My internal Jiminy Cricket discusses some issues of morality with me, but his passion is making sure I´m cheap. When he heard the quip about water, he went so crazy I thought he´d had a run-in with my internal woodpecker, who tries to eat him from time to time.
"What? We´re paying for water?" I asked.
"Yeah, you have to," another girl said. "I mean, I guess it´s reasonable, ´cuz it comes in bottles."
"We´re getting bottled water?" I asked.
"Yeah, that´s, like, what you get," she said.
I turned to the waitress.
"¿Venga, podemos tener agua del grifo?" I asked.
"¿Como en una jarra?" she asked.
I asked my Canadian and Austrian friends, all of whom were just starting to learn Spanish, whether they wanted bottled water or regular water. They wanted regular water, if it was available.
"Sí, en una jarra," I said to the waitress. (Yes, a jug of water.)
I tried not to look smug as the waiter left the table.
But c´mon. I´m getting special deals in restaurants!
And I just finished my first full book in Spanish -- Harry Potter 1!
So I´m feeling like this whole bilingual thing´s coming along!
At a small English as a Foreign Lanuage school today, the director offered me a job paying 22€ per hour, three hours a week. I nearly started singing in her office. Then she told me the hours. They wanted me from 5:00 to 6:30 on Tuesday and Thursday, and I´m already tutoring Hector and Dario then.
Aaaahhhhhhhhh!!! I could have been up 66€ for just three hours of work, weekly!
Another Spanish weekend. Today, I went to bed at 7am, the exact same time that I woke up yesterday.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
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i don't know if you're following our boys, but AL EAST CHAMPIONS. ALDS HERE WE COME!
(p.s. i'm glad you're speaking good spanish and getting sweet deals and generally rocking spain)
We going to the ´ship. What? WE GOING TO THE SHIP! We going to the ship -- you know it, i know it, and ain´t no one gonna blow it.
First 1st place in -- what -- i don´t even know!
(12 years)
i read like half of harry potter in spanish too but then i picked up catch 22 and got distracted. such a good idea though...
great book to get distracted by, but i gotta recommend the book about el niño quien vivó
more posts more posts!
more posts eddie? you got it!
Andrew buddy I miss you dude, we gotta catch up, the site is awesome, and you're awesome, let's fbook/email each other dood.
by the way, hp in espanol... muy impresionante senor! how'd it compare to the version inglesa?
loved our sexy phone conversation.
i see what you mean by the spanish giving off a different vibe in the written word than english. Maybe one couls say that it´s a bit gentler?
pffffffffft, i liked my thai cocktail thankyouverymuch !
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