Saturday, June 23, 2007


Here are some titles for this gap year blog that I almost used:
  • TheGapper (as in "The Gipper," as in Ronald Reagan, a man I don't like...leaving the pun as the only value in this name)
  • FallingIntoTheGap (a bit too foreboding)
  • GapyearU (as in Gap Year University)
  • Man-phibian (My super-hero name)
  • JumpingGap (A call out to the timeless jumping jack...A stretch, I know)
  • MissileGap (Yet another phrase with the word "gap" in it.)

I eventually avoided any pun and went with the clean, clear, and classy self-explanatory. Like Bismarck, I am a man of self-restraint.
I blog to show my humble side.

Actually, I blog to keep in touch with the states. For everyone who looks at this blog, keep me posted on your goings on. Keep each other in the loop. Call, email, or comment. We won't miss a beat when I get back to the mainland.

1 comment:

a said...

You are the man. I admire your game.